Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Being KoAm

Getting a bit ahead of myself, but there are elements of my Korean culture I'd like to include in my wedding..
1. Dress the mothers in HanBok, traditional Korean silk gowns.
2. Stationary appetizer station during cocktail hour, featuring traditional rice cakes (signifies long healthy life together, good fortune) & other munchies
3. Pae-Baek ceremony, the traditional Korean ceremony of where the bride and groom celebrate family union. The couple gets dressed in the ceremonial HanBok and bow to family, perform a short tea (or rice wine) ceremony towards family elders, and accept wishes, advice, or wisdom regarding the future. I think it's cute when the couple attempts to catch all the dates and chestnuts thrown at them with the brides apron. Later, the couple gets to eat the ones they've caught.  I think dates symbolized daughters, and chestnuts sons. It used to be something the grooms family set up, correlating with the bride entering his family. No longer the case now. For me, It's colorful, a great change in pace, and wonderful photo opp.
.. My favorite is when the groom piggy backs the bride around the ceremonial space, then her mother to show thanks, and then his own mother.

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