Monday, August 25, 2014

7 weeks- Hello Blueberry

It's going to be a big week, this blueberry will start off like a tadpole & end up distinctly human-like with arm & leg joints.  Planning to be diligent with my diet since this week the berry's whole skeleton (made of bendable cartilage) will be fully formed.  Plus, this berry is getting smart, generating 100 new brains cells each minutes. Crazy to think there's a digestive system now, as well as kidneys, liver, heart, spleen, and even an appendix. 

Last week, I've done my research to see the costs of going through my HMO, using my POS (works like PPO) option, or the husband's PPO.  

First of all, with limited time to pick out my Ob-gyn, I went with one of two recommendations from a friend.  I did ask last year, so my pregnancy is still hush hush.  I decided on the Ob-gyn that apparently all the UCLA medical residents go to for their pregnancies.  Good enough for doctors, good enough for this little blueberry.

Plus, the Ob-gyn accepts my HMO so I requested the HMO group switch.  Reason?  Move, which technically was last August & I should have switched groups then!!  I'm so not on top of things.  Anyways, I'll officially be in the group September.  Timing worked out perfectly

Took several phone calls, and waiting for couple emails directly from the doctor, until I heard good news.  The Ob-gyn accepted me as a patient, & i got squeezed into an appointment on Labor Day week. I'll have my first prenatal at a bit over 8 weeks.  Made sure I got the clear from work, will end up leaving at my lunch hour. 

Excited, scared, & hopefully I hear good news.  Literally, would love to hear this berry's heart beat.  

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Shaken up

Apparently, I've miscarried this past March.  I was over 1 week late, when I started bleeding on & off for 9-10 days.  I never speculated pregnancy & loss at that time. I was more concerned about my late period, and then relieved it came.  Actually, I peed on a stick when my period didn't happen the following month, in April. Little did I know, my body was recovering from the loss.  

I was 6 weeks, Which is where I am now.  I had the same pregnancy symptoms as I have now.  Everything seems the same, except now I have four positive home preg tests.  Yes, I retook it once more when I realized I miscarried earlier this year. 

Honestly, I didn't feel as protective of this pea as I do now, knowing how careless and unaware I was.  I'm trying to stay positive for this current pregnancy, but can't help to wonder about the first.  Sorry really, to not even know of it's existence until now.  I feel a bit of shock, bit of fear, bit of horrible.  I think I'm starting to grieve now.

I would have been due November 21, and currently been almost 27 weeks.  Lettuce turning into a cauliflower.  Goodbye my angel baby 

Monday, August 18, 2014

6 weeks- Sweet Pea

Sorta creepy (in a good way) to know this little pea is circulating blood, & sprouting a nose, eyes, ears, chin and cheeks. Might even be wiggling paddle-like hands and feet

Gotta really change my HMO primary group. Currently, I'm still in Pasadena, which means I'm to deliver at Huntington or Arcadia Methodist.  What have I been doing since I've moved to the west side?  That's last last October 1st, whoops.  Actually, this week will be our home owner anniversary.  

My homework for today, at least by mid week, to switch to a local HMO group, contemplating between UCLA, UCLA SM or Saint John 

Sunday, August 17, 2014

5 weeks- Sesame Seed

Your baby is due on or around:

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Right now at about 5 weeks pregnant and baby is the size of a sesame seed.
Apparently, last week baby was the size of a poppy seed 

I hastily posted the above info, but found a cuter diagram with the actual size 

Baby is the size of an Appleseed. I do like the sesame seed analogy better, maybe being Asian? 
Regardless, Keep on growing~~ 

Saturday, August 16, 2014