Friday, October 3, 2014

Peek a Boo

On Wednesday, had my First Trimester Screening, which included the Nuchal translucency (NT) screening.  It assesses the risk for Down syndrome and other chromosomal abnormalities.  I knew what was happening, especially once they started measuring the neck on the ultrasound. But it was comforting without with big discussions and accompanying  freak out anxiety. 

Here's a cute photo, notice the presence of the nasal bone? 

Unfortunate circumstances leading to me being sans car became a blessing.  Ended up a great experience, for both myself & the husband.  We got to see Fishy quite well, even got a close up view of the heart.  All four chambers pumping pumping away.  The ultrasound sound tech even guessed the gender (which is still a secret), & I'll be getting the confirmation at 16 weeks

They switched the ultrasound to 3-d several times, which honestly freaked me out a bit 

Initially, Fishy was holding onto the umbilical cord.  Reminds me of Golem holding onto it's Precious.. But after some knocking on the belly, it let go and we got to see some stretching and wiggling.

Ended up celebrating the day with Chickfila 
Always a plus 

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