Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Week 38- Pumpkin

These sharp "sciatica"-like pains (pelvic, crotch, & sometimes legs) aka "lighting crotch" are more frequent, with good reason.  Little Fishy's head is sitting low & bumping into all different kinds of nerves. Especially when I'm settled in bed and trying to adjust or get up.  Gotta say, the back pain has lightened up.  AND i havnt has a prenatal massage since last Monday. As for the other symptoms, they rotate so I'm always dealing with one (or two)

It's really now a waiting game.  I'm on maternity leave, a week earlier than I was aiming for.  The crib is built, mattress being shipped, changing station created.  I'm sorting the baby gear, but still in bags.  More baby goodies were purchased with my Amazon 15% completion bonus.  I still got plenty of cleaning & organizing to do.  Hope I really take advantage of this extra time 

3/1/15 ObGyn update
Everything looked great, Fishy is estimated 7 pounds (which is most likely too generous) & looks like she will stay put for at least another week.  During the ultrasound, she was doing her little breathing exercises.  As I'm writing this, her hiccups are strong & vibrating both to my tummy and my back.  I'm excited to meet her, see smell and hold her.  But a bit fearful of the labor.  Had a mini discussion about the "cut off" for when I'll be induced.. Yikes 

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