Tuesday, December 30, 2014
Week 25- Cauliflower
Exciting cuz in the wee hours of the morning, of course after being woken up from the most painful Charlie horse leg cramp, I felt Fishy doing some karate moves. I placed my hands on my belly, and actually felt her from outside
Tuesday, December 23, 2014
Week 24- Cantaloupe
Seems crazy that an entire cantaloupe is inside me, but makes sense since I've finally gained weight. Apparently, ten pounds since my last appointment at 20 weeks. Yesterday, my Obgyn measured little Fishy. She's measuring right on target and weighing 1 pound 3 ounce.
Tuesday, December 16, 2014
Week 23- Grapefruit
Now that her face is fully formed, I'm so curious what our little Fishy looks like. She's listening to my voice and heartbeat, and of course all the music I've been playing for her. Mostly Ingrid Michelson, Sarah bareilles, Regina spektor.. Sweet girl vocals. Oh & Christmas songs
This week, the husband is in Chicago for work. So spending this driZzly week by my lonesome self. Keeping myself busy with couple trips to my parents, & some dinner out with girlfriends. Much different being "single" and pregnant
Tuesday, December 9, 2014
Week 22- Papaya
She's got her features, hopefully mommy's eyes & daddy's lips. Also, sleeping in cycles. Putting in a full 12-14 hours of snooze a day! She's growing and growing, and I can see it with my belly now officially popped. I'm finally starting the weight gain, with the past week exceeding the average half pound. Maybe playing catch up?
Tuesday, December 2, 2014
Week 21- Pomegranate
The belly has really popped & I've been feeling this little Fishy swimming in her pond the past week. An internal fluttery popcorn popping sensation. As for her development, she already has a lifetime supply of eggs (six million). Amazing
Just got back from babymooning in Cabo. Literally camped out at the resort, Fiesta Americana. Loved it
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Resort & ocean |
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Amazing room view |
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Pool lounging |
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Beach lounging |
Nonstop eating through the all-inclusive plan, my favorite being the fresh ginger icecream at Peninsula beachside restaurant
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THE ginger icecream |
What a change a day makes. It's raining in LA & I'm currently at St Joseph, my mom laying on the operating table for back to back surgeries. Anxious for 930 am, when the surgeon will give me a progress update. Then another waiting game until 11 am, when the second surgeon gives me the final update. I hope she's dreaming of her April grand daughter. As she was being wheeled out whoozy on versed, I heard her say "have a baby"
Made me giggle
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
Saturday, November 22, 2014
Heavy Hearted
Woke up today, just feeling a bit down and a lot emo. Today would have been my due date..
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
Week 18- Sweet Potato
Hello Fishy, looks like you're doing a lot in your little pond. Yawning, hiccuping, sucking and swallowing. Wonder when I'll feel you twisting, rolling, punching and kicking.
I got excited you're a little girl, & went shopping at Nordstrom baby & Gap baby. Don't worry, I won't pink you out. But i couldn't help grabbing a pair of hot pink polka dotted pants. Hehe
Tuesday, November 4, 2014
Week 17- Pear
Wasn't a fan of calling Fishy an onion, so will use the pear analogy. Growing big, growing fat (literally), and her cartilage is now turning into bone. 5.1 inches, 5.9 ounces
Most of my pregnancy symptoms are subsiding, but I'm mostly excited that my skin is clearing up. Goodbye painful cystic chin & cheek pimples. In exchange, I'm to expect rapid weight gain. It hasn't happened yet, but I'm bracing myself for itchy skin and stretch marks. Sigh..
On a happier note, bought my first little baby item. A set of polka dotted pink socks, so cute I can eat them
Thursday, October 30, 2014
It's a Girl
Yesterday was my 16 week appointment. I love my Obgyn, he hooked me up to the fancy $200k ultrasound machine to confirm the sex. Yes, I say sex instead of gender. Maybe just being in healthcare?
Anyways, I had to close my eyes as he confirmed. Jotted it down & sealed in an envelope.
Would have opened the envelope yesterday, but no surprise. I fell asleep
So today, after dinner.. it happened. All on video, too
Couldn't be happier
What a great little treat for our 888th day of marriage
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Week 16- Avocado
Not sure what happened to this post, but having to rewrite it.
Amazing how little Fishy started listening to my voice, with little ear bones. Even growing hair, including lashes & brows. The brows won't be lacking, whether Fishy takes after mama or papa.
I'm supposed to start feeling baby movements, not the strong kicks that people share but more of a fluttering sensation. Despite being a bit creepy, Quite excited to be able to feel this little baby growing in me. Makes it that muchote real. Oh & finding out if it's a little boy or girl Fishy.. At my 16 week appointment! Planning to have my Ongyn jot it down, and share the news with the husband
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Thursday, October 16, 2014
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
Week 13- Peach
As for what's going on in my own life.. Wow
- I just picked up my 4th car rental in the past month.
- Breast cancer awareness month has really hit home this year
- housework, particularly cleaning and organizing has been on hold the past couple months
Will be starting second trimester later this week, and in current times it ain't real until it's "Facebook official" so thinking of doing a small photo announcement. We'll see
Friday, October 3, 2014
Peek a Boo
On Wednesday, had my First Trimester Screening, which included the Nuchal translucency (NT) screening. It assesses the risk for Down syndrome and other chromosomal abnormalities. I knew what was happening, especially once they started measuring the neck on the ultrasound. But it was comforting without with big discussions and accompanying freak out anxiety.
Here's a cute photo, notice the presence of the nasal bone?
Unfortunate circumstances leading to me being sans car became a blessing. Ended up a great experience, for both myself & the husband. We got to see Fishy quite well, even got a close up view of the heart. All four chambers pumping pumping away. The ultrasound sound tech even guessed the gender (which is still a secret), & I'll be getting the confirmation at 16 weeks
They switched the ultrasound to 3-d several times, which honestly freaked me out a bit
Initially, Fishy was holding onto the umbilical cord. Reminds me of Golem holding onto it's Precious.. But after some knocking on the belly, it let go and we got to see some stretching and wiggling.
Ended up celebrating the day with Chickfila
Always a plus
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Week 12- Plum
My oh my, how you've grown. Most critical systems have been formed, now to grow some more.
As for me, it says my morning sickness & fatigue will be replaced with headaches and dizziness. Not sure if that's a fair trade off, since I can't reach for my favorite sugar coated Advil.
Tomorrow, we go get you scanned before being seen for the big 12 weeker. A bit exciting, planning to take along the camera for daddy to share the experience. Just a little stressed with my ride situation, turns out my car is Not ready today. This is the fourth time being told the day of, that the car is not ready. Bit exasperated, well that's an understatement. Yes, exactly 3 weeks ago I got into a fender bender at work. I hope you were alright, I'm pretty sure of it since the pregnancy symptoms actually got worse. Haha, demanding little Fishy. I'd rather grab a rental or call the Uber. Feel bad having daddy drop me off at work in the morning, then pick me up midday to trek across LA, east to west. We'll see.
I'll see you tomorrow.
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Week 11- Lime
Almost fully formed, your hands will soon to open and close into fists. Says you're already busy kicking and stretching. Hope you're comfy in there. Just think it's amazing how Both hands and feet have little individual fingers and toes. No longer frog like.
Supposedly I should be feeling more energetic, but fatigue has been gruesome to me. My appetite has decreased significantly, and I've been losing weight. Been consistent with the prenatals, but tough to eat good filling protein- laden meals. A bit concerned I lost a good 3 pounds or so.. Hopefully, it's just a little glitch.
Wishing for a better week
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
Week 10- Kumquat
To support all this action, apparently my pear sized uterus is now as big a grapefruit. Currently, a bad case of 똥배 (beer belly, literal translation being poop belly) but this bloat will soon become a noticeable bump.
Speaking of no longer being incognito, I've officially shared my pregnancy with my boss. More than anything, my prenatal appointments are weekdays & I'll be having short work days to make the drive from east La to Westwood. Didn't expect a shriek & a huge giant hug. It's motivating to have such a positive reaction, especially at work.
Monday, September 8, 2014
Week 9- Olive
Why hello there, little green olive (or grape or cherry, depending on the pregnancy website). While I'm enjoying the fresh Colorado mountain air, I see that Fishy is starting to look more human. The head remains bigger than it's arms & legs, but the "embryonic tail" is completely gone & the organs and muscles can function on their own. The heart now has it's 4 chambers, with valves starting to form. Did see the heart pumping rapidly on the Ultrasound, pretty amazing. Looks like the eyelids will fuse together, until week 27. There's tiny earlobes, and features like the mouth nose & nostrils are more distinct. Technically the sex organs are developed, so now I'm starting to be curious.
Pretty sure that Fishy is enjoying the larger pond, cuz apparently my uterus is as large as a cantaloupe. Makes sense, cuz (awake or asleep) I've been frequenting the toilet every 3 hours. Gotten used to that.. and the bloat, fatigue, gag reflexes, hunger then indigestion, bouncing between constipation and almost-diarrhea. Apparently, I'll be a moody bloated fatigued crazy, having nausea all day. What else is new?
Back to enjoying my long weekender. & begin my hunt for a bagel, haha
Sunday, September 7, 2014
Major pregnancy brain fart
How about today at the game, I'll buy you nachos
Wait, when did I say I wanted nachos?
: ::confused look:: :
You know chips & cheese are called nachos
Pregnancy brain is major
Yupp, just happened
Wednesday, September 3, 2014
Got confirmation of a healthy happy pregnancy, with Fishy "in the perfect spot"
Due date was confirmed
Saw the heart flutter ❤️
So this is it!!
Monday, September 1, 2014
8 weeks- Raspberry
This little berry grew into a raspberry. Says if I take a close-up view, webbed fingers and toes differentiating now & the tail is just about gone. The upper lip is forming (I'm assuming luscious like pappy), along with the protruding tip of that cute button nose and tiny very thin eyelids.
It's Labor Day weekend, and now working the 8 hour 5 day shifts, I get holidays off. Too bad I can't enjoy it much with my major fatigue & intense sleep requirements. My cousin Sara just got married this past Saturday in Korea & here to kick off her honeymoon. Wish I can really play host to her & her husband, but after 2-3 hours I need my snooze. I'm sure they're enjoying some romantic couple time, though.
I'm excited to go to my first prenatal appointment this week, hopefully get the confirmation that this raspberry is doing well. I'll be going by myself (taking off at lunch hour), but planning to record the beating heart beat. 150 bpm, more than twice as fast of mine
Monday, August 25, 2014
7 weeks- Hello Blueberry
It's going to be a big week, this blueberry will start off like a tadpole & end up distinctly human-like with arm & leg joints. Planning to be diligent with my diet since this week the berry's whole skeleton (made of bendable cartilage) will be fully formed. Plus, this berry is getting smart, generating 100 new brains cells each minutes. Crazy to think there's a digestive system now, as well as kidneys, liver, heart, spleen, and even an appendix.
Last week, I've done my research to see the costs of going through my HMO, using my POS (works like PPO) option, or the husband's PPO.
First of all, with limited time to pick out my Ob-gyn, I went with one of two recommendations from a friend. I did ask last year, so my pregnancy is still hush hush. I decided on the Ob-gyn that apparently all the UCLA medical residents go to for their pregnancies. Good enough for doctors, good enough for this little blueberry.
Plus, the Ob-gyn accepts my HMO so I requested the HMO group switch. Reason? Move, which technically was last August & I should have switched groups then!! I'm so not on top of things. Anyways, I'll officially be in the group September. Timing worked out perfectly
Took several phone calls, and waiting for couple emails directly from the doctor, until I heard good news. The Ob-gyn accepted me as a patient, & i got squeezed into an appointment on Labor Day week. I'll have my first prenatal at a bit over 8 weeks. Made sure I got the clear from work, will end up leaving at my lunch hour.
Excited, scared, & hopefully I hear good news. Literally, would love to hear this berry's heart beat.
Thursday, August 21, 2014
Shaken up

Apparently, I've miscarried this past March. I was over 1 week late, when I started bleeding on & off for 9-10 days. I never speculated pregnancy & loss at that time. I was more concerned about my late period, and then relieved it came. Actually, I peed on a stick when my period didn't happen the following month, in April. Little did I know, my body was recovering from the loss.
I was 6 weeks, Which is where I am now. I had the same pregnancy symptoms as I have now. Everything seems the same, except now I have four positive home preg tests. Yes, I retook it once more when I realized I miscarried earlier this year.
Honestly, I didn't feel as protective of this pea as I do now, knowing how careless and unaware I was. I'm trying to stay positive for this current pregnancy, but can't help to wonder about the first. Sorry really, to not even know of it's existence until now. I feel a bit of shock, bit of fear, bit of horrible. I think I'm starting to grieve now.
I would have been due November 21, and currently been almost 27 weeks. Lettuce turning into a cauliflower. Goodbye my angel baby
Monday, August 18, 2014
6 weeks- Sweet Pea
Sorta creepy (in a good way) to know this little pea is circulating blood, & sprouting a nose, eyes, ears, chin and cheeks. Might even be wiggling paddle-like hands and feet
Gotta really change my HMO primary group. Currently, I'm still in Pasadena, which means I'm to deliver at Huntington or Arcadia Methodist. What have I been doing since I've moved to the west side? That's last last October 1st, whoops. Actually, this week will be our home owner anniversary.
My homework for today, at least by mid week, to switch to a local HMO group, contemplating between UCLA, UCLA SM or Saint John
Sunday, August 17, 2014
5 weeks- Sesame Seed
Your baby is due on or around:
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
Right now at about 5 weeks pregnant and baby is the size of a sesame seed.
Apparently, last week baby was the size of a poppy seed
I hastily posted the above info, but found a cuter diagram with the actual size
Baby is the size of an Appleseed. I do like the sesame seed analogy better, maybe being Asian?
Regardless, Keep on growing~~
Saturday, August 16, 2014
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