Saturday, June 27, 2015

11 weeks

Oh how I love my little squish angel.  And how she adores me, happiest in my arms & tracking me when held by anybody else including daddy.

She's been really playing lots under her Underwater playgym & jungle mobile.  A good ten minutes at each "station", which might not seem like much but it's my opportunity to shove my mouth with lunch (sometimes chips and a drink) or take a pee.  She loves her flower mobile above the changing table, often cooing and smiling.  I refer to them as her best friends.  So I went and got the wimmer-ferguson stim mobile, which essentially are these simple image or patterned cards.  It's been attaching to her RockNplay cradle.  Initially she was ambivalent, but now catching her attention a bit more.

On a side note, the RNP has affectionately been renamed the Poop chair by daddy.  Cuz essentially, she's been going poop in there quite well.  I think it gives her little feet something to push against, hehe

The swing is still where she ends up hanging out, so mommy & daddy can have our meals together.  I try not to abuse her affinity for it, so I might have her in there max twice weekly (in addition to our dinners) to be able to do whatever emergent thing.

This past week, she's been sleeping through the nights.  There are several caveats..
- That it requires some work to get here to unwind and relax.  This including hourly nursing for several sessions.  Me holding and dancing her, to my childhood tunes.. Sound of Music, Disney's it's a small world, kindergarten and Christmas songs
- If she's too fussy, we include a bath that averages every other day
- keeping her warm, the footed pajamas have been working the best
- Also, her first "round" of deep sleep is in my arms against my shoulder and chest.  It's okay, since that's my time to catch up with the world via iPad (including now).  I no longer bother trying to put her down, as she would wake in minutes.  At which point, only nursing would calm her.  But of course, my supply wouldn't have replenished and it becomes a nightmarish downward spiraling insomnia for the both of us
- When I hear her rustle about, usually after a good 2 hours after the start of her nursing, I take her for a diaper change and usually a session of in-the-dark night nursing.  I can't be lazy about this, cuz once she fully awakens, I would have to start from the very beginning
- this would total 10-13 hours of sleep, only interrupted wth the above (which is realy just me hustling)

I want to say we got a pretty good understanding of each other:)

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Happy Father's Day

"My father used to say that it's never too late to do anything you wanted to do. And he said, 'You never know what you can accomplish until you try,'" - Michael Jordan

"I cannot think of any need in childhood as strong as the need for a father’s protection," - Sigmund Freud

"I think my mom put it best. She said, 'Little girls soften their daddy's hearts,'" - Paul Walker

I'm grew up quite the lucky girl, with the adoring love of my father.  I not only wish the same for Natalie, I can confidently raise her knowing she has a father that will let her chase her dreams and love her unconditionally 

Saturday, June 20, 2015

10 Weeks

Started off with the longest stretch of sleep.  I would be waking before natalie, mostly from habit but also from engorgement.  Little baby kept sleeping away, and as she stirred, I would change her diaper & start nursing,  I kept her sleepiness extended to all day, and all morning!
Side note, Pretty much gave into exclusively co-sleeping, mostly out of weighing the benefit of longer (less deep) sleep over less sleep in general.

Was just nice snoozing all morning, and "sleeping in".  Even more so for James, since hes not the one nursing Hehe

Had a late lunch outing to sawtelle.  Ended up frustrated at the parking garage, including an impatient girl too generous with her horn.  Poor natalie screamed in surprise.  Then unimpressed with chicken Dijon (dry), and our favorite boba milk tea shop was closed for renovation.  But we made it out!  Plus, it was my first time breastfeeding in public.  Wasn't perfect, but it happened.

Natalie got plenty of playtime with her dad.  Honestly, James is great keeping her entertained.  She's come to a point where she watches him, even while nursing!

It's been a while since I made dinner.  It happened, the menu was salt & pepper chicken breast, served with spaghetti (but bow tie) and arugula drizzled in lemon olive oil.  Although it was late, then sat there getting cold while natalie nursed, so ended up eating dinner at 10 pm.

& the highlight was that we watched tv for the first time since becoming parents (OITNB)
Thought it's fine, natalie is still an infant.  Plus, we kept her eyes away from the tv.  She was always held , and mostly slept in our arms.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Happy 2 months

Today is exactly Month 2, and baby natalie celebrated by sleeping in ALL night (possibly 6+ hours?) for the first time. 
Well, I did change her diaper & nurse her in her sleepy state. But I never had to carry her around the home, bouncing & leg lunging.  She just went to sleep!  I was in shock, and stayed awake just waiting for her to cry out. Haha

Oh & can't forget that all morning she was in a happy smiling mood & napped well. And this afternoon, too. Minus a hiccup episode, that I was happy to console with some bouncing and singing 

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Great news

AW me & Natalie-

(Photo- last time in the harness)

Since hearing the devastating news of possible hip dysplasia (day 4), to deciding to treat preemptively & getting the Pavlik harness / brace on (day 10), compounded with low birth weight & slow weight gain, exclusively pumping for a while (natalie just couldn't last more than 5 mins breastfeeding), & getting her back on the Breast .. Honestly, it's been tough. 

This Tuesday, we went in for an ultrasound.  It ended up being Natalie's worst cry sesh, especially when they were pulling and pushing on her little hips.  Well, the harness & ultrasound was all worth it..

Natalie has normal hips! 

Today's appointment with the pediatric orthopaedic surgeon was possibly one of my happiest days PP.  He confirmed the radiologic findings with a physical exam

Natalie is OUT of the harness,

gonna celebrate by getting her IN A DRESS, like the little lady she should be Hehe
Will post that when it happens (right now she's happily naked & nursing.. What we couldn't do with the harness)


Getting out of the house is tough, especially when something out of ordinary happens (cough cough, pooplosion)
But today is special
We are heading to see dr.bowen, pediatric orthopaedic surgeon 

Monday, June 1, 2015

Smiles & Giggle

It's a special day,
This evening natalie smiled & giggled. Not her typical "gas smile" reflex, but a true one as i smiled & talked to her.  
It struck my heart in a way, I can't even describe 
Other than, I am so in love