Saturday, June 27, 2015

11 weeks

Oh how I love my little squish angel.  And how she adores me, happiest in my arms & tracking me when held by anybody else including daddy.

She's been really playing lots under her Underwater playgym & jungle mobile.  A good ten minutes at each "station", which might not seem like much but it's my opportunity to shove my mouth with lunch (sometimes chips and a drink) or take a pee.  She loves her flower mobile above the changing table, often cooing and smiling.  I refer to them as her best friends.  So I went and got the wimmer-ferguson stim mobile, which essentially are these simple image or patterned cards.  It's been attaching to her RockNplay cradle.  Initially she was ambivalent, but now catching her attention a bit more.

On a side note, the RNP has affectionately been renamed the Poop chair by daddy.  Cuz essentially, she's been going poop in there quite well.  I think it gives her little feet something to push against, hehe

The swing is still where she ends up hanging out, so mommy & daddy can have our meals together.  I try not to abuse her affinity for it, so I might have her in there max twice weekly (in addition to our dinners) to be able to do whatever emergent thing.

This past week, she's been sleeping through the nights.  There are several caveats..
- That it requires some work to get here to unwind and relax.  This including hourly nursing for several sessions.  Me holding and dancing her, to my childhood tunes.. Sound of Music, Disney's it's a small world, kindergarten and Christmas songs
- If she's too fussy, we include a bath that averages every other day
- keeping her warm, the footed pajamas have been working the best
- Also, her first "round" of deep sleep is in my arms against my shoulder and chest.  It's okay, since that's my time to catch up with the world via iPad (including now).  I no longer bother trying to put her down, as she would wake in minutes.  At which point, only nursing would calm her.  But of course, my supply wouldn't have replenished and it becomes a nightmarish downward spiraling insomnia for the both of us
- When I hear her rustle about, usually after a good 2 hours after the start of her nursing, I take her for a diaper change and usually a session of in-the-dark night nursing.  I can't be lazy about this, cuz once she fully awakens, I would have to start from the very beginning
- this would total 10-13 hours of sleep, only interrupted wth the above (which is realy just me hustling)

I want to say we got a pretty good understanding of each other:)

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